Bellator Fortitudinem App (under construction)

The app will save lives. Membership is FREE and will be available on at Google Playstore and iTunes.
It will provide you with all the access to the normal Facebook closed member group but it will link you to like minded individuals via you likes and activities, when you complete your membership. When joining the app, it will ask you for 2 emergency contacts. These are the people that will be vital in helping you should you ever feel the need to press the emergency buttons which will be visible and on each page. These buttons will get your contacts and the relevant emergency services agency activated and to you if necessary.
You will be able to diarise your daily and weekly emotions, track your health and fitness, join in live vlogs and blogs, chat with other members and broaden your support base and network and much more.
The therapy and programs will also be available on the app, when they will be and the ability to register.
The app will be a life saver in your pocket.
We are fund raising for this to happen as no government (state or federal) has stepped up to help. Please donate to our Charity and help. It is all tax deductible.